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What Makes Good Cybersecurity Hygiene?

Writer: Katy Munden HaysKaty Munden Hays

You probably know what you should do and have read about best practices. You may even have consulted with professionals and taken a few action steps. There are numerous resources for the technicalities of good cybersecurity hygiene (like this blog). But we want to address the human factor – how to make sure you actually take the steps and grow the health of your security program. Here are 4 things you need to keep your cyber hygiene squeaky clean, plus some bonus cybersecurity memes.

You need a plan.

You need a plan to guide your cybersecurity hygiene practices. It is astonishing that many businesses ignore their need for cybersecurity, hoping that attackers won't notice them. Business leaders also may assume their IT team has security under control, but not every technical computer person is also trained in security. And in many cases, businesses are just plain uninformed about the cyber risks they are exposed to.

Hope is not a security strategy, and when a breach occurs without a plan, there will be chaos. You need a plan.

Some businesses may think they don't have data to steal. Every business has client information, vendor account numbers, or company documents stored digitally. This means you are taking on new risk each time you add to that information collection, and you need to protect those valuable pieces of data.

If you do business in today's world, you need cybersecurity.

We have guides for making a plan, if you need a starting point: Cyber Maturity Quiz or What Do You Have to Lose? Make sure you are following the advice of trusted professionals who come with experience and references. Without a plan, your cybersecurity hygiene efforts are an aimless guess.

Man with shocked face aiming a fire extinguisher at a laptop computer.
Cybersecurity hygiene meme text: When you don't have a plan so you just put out fires all day. Image: a man points a fire extinguisher at a laptop computer on the desk in front of him.

You need training and buy-in.

Without a team who understands and follows the plan, even the best cybersecurity hygiene plan cannot help keep you safe. Each member of your team needs to understand their role in the company’s cybersecurity plan, have the proper access relevant to their role, and be given the knowledge to carry out the role.

People are often the causes of new cybersecurity risks, but they are also your front line of defense. Empowering people to do their jobs and to follow security protocols should be a top priority for leaders.

In addition, your team also needs to care. It’s a leader’s job to cast the vision, maintain quality relationships, and build loyalty so that every team member can understand their role in the company's security and follow the protocols you require. In the creation of systems and plans, it is wise to ask the perspectives of a variety of departments, and to make sure each team member is valued. Read more about the human factor in cybersecurity here.

Over time, it is also important to review protocols with employees and affirm the good steps your team is taking.

Horse with head cocked to the side looking confused, while another horse stands calmly in the background
Cybersecurity hygiene meme text: Zoom trainings in 2022: When Joe still can't find the unmute button. Image: two horses stand in a corral, and one is very near the camera with head cocked and a confused expression.

You need follow-through.

Here is where many, many plans fail – whether business plans, exercise plans, or cybersecurity hygiene plans -- follow-through is difficult. Follow-through must be part of your plan. Who takes responsibility for each task? Who keeps each person accountable for completing tasks? What are the rewards or consequences if the plan is not followed? This accountability role may fall to a CISO or other staff person -- regardless of who it is, consistency is the key.

Even if you have limited resources and cannot mitigate every cybersecurity risk, it is better to take some steps than do nothing. Even small steps can have a big impact. Get a review from a professional, choose some steps that your team can manage, and follow through.

Chimpanzee sitting on a tree branch with a shocked and surprised facial expression.
Cybersecurity hygiene meme text: "Those updates were MY job?" Image: a chimpanzee with mouth open looks shocked.

You need vigilance.

Cybersecurity hygiene is an ongoing project. As the world changes and cyber threat actors adapt, we must adapt too. Creating a plan, training your team, and holding to the plan will always be important. Set up a calendar and review your plan quarterly or yearly. We all get tired sometimes – this is why it helps to have a team supporting you each step of the way.

You won't be sorry. Adding to your company's cybersecurity maturity is always a good idea, and you will not regret protecting your customers, employees, and company data more and more as you grow.

A last note: you’ve got this! Keep your company’s cybersecurity hygiene on track with internal processes, or contact us when you need help. We have helped businesses in tech, finance, energy, and beyond, and we are ready to support you too.

Two brown geese poke their beaks, heads, and necks through a fence of wire squares.
Cybersecurity hygiene meme text: New viruses and malware creeping through your cyber defenses. Image: two geese standing at a fence, with their heads and necks poked through to the other side.

We at StandardUser Cybersecurity are on a mission to share cybersecurity and cyber safety education with everyone, to make our world a better place. Are you with us? How can we help? Let us know today.

Whatever your cybersecurity challenge, we can help you keep your business running. We are a defensive and offensive cybersecurity company, using over 30 years of experience with active commercial and government work and proven security methodologies. We also educate teams and professionals who want to build on their skills.

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